Alina Bradford

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10 Tips for Creating Headlines and Titles that Get Clicked

It's difficult to write irresistible headlines. It's a fact, even for old pros like myself. For freelance writers, crafting great headlines that capture readers' attention increases the chance of getting a click and eventual customer conversions.

An iconic headline from almost two decades ago.

How can you ensure that you have the perfect headline? Here are some ideas from Dave McDonald and myself:

  1. Make your headline inviting by giving them an answer to what they are looking for. Example: "This (blank) Trick Makes Your Life Easier in Just 10 Minutes."

  2. But don't reveal everything. For example, "This Trick will Lower Your Electric Bill by 25%" tells the readers that they are going to learn something to lower their electric bill, but doesn't give any clues as to what in the title. Curiosity will get the best of most people and they'll click.

  3. Research customer demographics so that you'll know what the visitors to your site are looking for. They might be looking for new products, practical tips, useful information or new ideas, for example.

  4. Make sure your headline is unique, very specific, useful and presents a sense of urgency.

  5. Do away with commercial wordings that most other e-marketers are using. Instead be prepared to take some risks.

  6. Taglines can be used as headlines effectively.

  7. Grab your reader's attention by starting your headline with "How to…" since this indicates you're providing them with useful information.

  8. A number in the title ensures your readers will be intrigued by what you have to say. ("20 Unexpected ways to use dryer sheets" is one of my most popular articles on CNET.) Just ensure that the list contents fully support the headline.

  9. Employ an element of surprise by presenting the readers with something unexpected. It can tickle your audience's curiosity. Novelty and unpredictability are things that stimulate the brain, ensuring that readers will stay and read on. "Angelina Jolie Doesn't Look Like Herself Anymore" is a good example of piquing curiosity.

  10. Add a little humor. “Annoying 2000s Tech We Kinda Miss” is a title example that uses a little fun to draw people in.

Bonus tip: Borrow what works. Titles can't be copyrighted so you really don't need to worry about plagiarism. If you see a great headline jot it down to use as inspiration later. Integrity wise, it is best to borrow and customize headlines created for a niche outside of your own so it doesn't look like you're just copying your competitors.

Get more ideas by checking out the infographics below.

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