6 Things to Do If Your Baby Is Sick — Alina Bradford


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6 Things to Do If Your Baby Is Sick

If your baby is sick, it can be a very difficult time for both you and your child. It is important to know what to do in order to make your baby feel better. This blog post will discuss six things that you can do to help your baby get better. 

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1) The first thing you should do if your baby is sick is to consult with your pediatrician. 

Your pediatrician will be able to give you the best advice on treating your child. If you are concerned about your child's symptoms, or if they seem to be getting worse, it is always a good idea to call your pediatrician or take them into the office for a check-up. Your pediatrician may also recommend taking your baby to the hospital if they are very sick. 

If this is the case, make sure to bring along any medications that your child is currently taking and their medical records.

2) It is also essential to make sure that you give your baby plenty of fluids. 

Babies can get dehydrated very easily, so it is essential to give them lots of liquids. You can give your baby breast milk, formula, water, or even Pedialyte if they are really sick. It is also a good idea to avoid giving your baby juice or soda, as these can actually make them more dehydrated. 

If your baby is vomiting or has diarrhea, it is crucial to give them lots of fluids. You may even want to consider using a syringe or dropper to feed them liquids if they have trouble keeping anything down. 

3) You will also want to make sure that your baby is getting enough rest. 

When you are sick, your body needs time to recover and heal. This is also true for babies. Therefore, it is important to let them sleep as much as possible. If your baby has trouble sleeping, you can try rocking them or using a white noise machine to help them drift off. 

You should also avoid over-stimulating your baby by turning on the television or playing loud music. All of this noise can actually make it harder for them to fall asleep. 

If your child is napping more during the day, don't worry! This is completely normal and helps their little bodies to heal faster. 

4) Besides giving your baby lots of fluids, you will also want to make sure that they are eating enough. 

Babies can get very hungry when they are sick, but sometimes they just don't have the appetite to eat a lot at once. Therefore, it is important to offer them small meals instead of three large ones throughout the day. You can try offering them soups, mashed fruits, vegetables, or even crackers if they seem interested in food. 

If your baby is having trouble keeping anything down, you may want to talk to your pediatrician about giving them an oral rehydration solution. This can help replace the electrolytes that they are losing through vomiting or diarrhea. 

Oral rehydration solutions are available without a prescription at most pharmacies. 

5) You will also want to make sure you keep an eye on your baby's temperature. 

If your baby has a fever, it is vital to monitor it closely. You can take their temperature with a rectal thermometer, ear thermometer, or even a forehead strip. Most babies will have a fever when they are sick, but you should call your pediatrician right away if it goes over 102 degrees Fahrenheit. 

You will also want to watch for any other signs of illness, such as coughing, runny nose, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to call your doctor right away. 

6) It is also important to make sure that you take care of yourself when your baby is sick. 

This can be difficult for parents, as you are likely not getting much sleep, and you may feel stressed out. However, it is important to take care of yourself to take care of your baby. Make sure to eat healthy foods, drink plenty of fluids, and get some rest when you can. 

If you are breastfeeding, it is also essential to ensure that you stay hydrated and eat enough. Your body needs extra calories and fluids when you are breastfeeding, so make sure to drink lots of water and eat whenever you can. 

In conclusion,  taking care of a sick baby can be a challenge, but it is important to remember to take care of yourself as well. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, make sure to reach out to your friends and family for support. 

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